HICSS Minitrack on
A series of minitracks related to IT Standards are being held annually as part of the Hawai‘i International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS). The minitrack was held at the 2001, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 conferences, and is planned for the 2009 conference.
See also the IT Standards resource page.
Minitrack on “Standards and Standardization”
Track: Internet and the Digital Economy
Co-chairs: Joel West, Kalle Lyytinen and Tim Weitzel
The HICSS-42 conference will be held January 5-8, 2009 on the Big Island of Hawaii.
Minitrack on “Standards and Standardization”
Track: Internet and the Digital Economy
Co-chairs: Joel West, Kalle Lyytinen and Tim Weitzel
The HICSS-41 conference was held January 7-10, 2008 on the Big Island of Hawaii.
Minitrack on “Standards and Standardization”
Track: Internet and the Digital Economy
Co-chairs: Joel West and Kalle Lyytinen
The HICSS-40 conference was held January 3-6, 2007 on the Big Island of Hawaii.
Minitrack on “Standards and Standardization”
Track: Internet and the Digital Economy
Co-chairs: Joel West and Rolf Wigand
The HICSS-39 conference was held January 4-7, 2006 on the island of Kauai.
Minitrack on “Standards and Standardization”
Track: Internet and the Digital Economy
Co-chairs: Joel West and Henk de Vries
The HICSS-38 conference was held January 3-6, 2006 on the Big Island of Hawaii.
You can view the
Minitrack on “Standardisation in Information Technology”
Track: Emerging Technologies
Chair: Kai Jakobs
The HICSS-34 conference was held January 3-6, 2001 on the island of Maui.
You can view the
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