
Standardisation in Information Technology
Minitrack, HICSS-34

The 2001 minitrack on “Standardisation in Information Technology” was held as part of the HICSS-34 conference.

Conference Proceedings

Standardization And The Competition Between Standard Business Software And Framework Technology: Policy Implications For The Management And The Standardization Organizations
By: Bernd Reitwiesner, Stefan Volker, Melanie Frank (ETSIT01)

Proprietary vs. Open Standards in the Network Era: An Examination of the Linux Phenomenon
By: Joel West and Jason Dedrick (ETSIT02)

The Real Options Approach to Standardization
By: Mark Gaynor (ETSIT03)

Best Paper Award winner, Emerging Technologies Track

10:00 Session ET6

Standardizing Management of Software Engineering Projects
By: Roy Rada (ETSIT04)

Software Quality Management and Software Process Improvement in Denmark
By: Karlheinz Kautz, Faisal Ramzan (ETSIT05)

Why Java was - not - standardized twice
By: Tineke M. Egyedi (ETSIT06) 

Journal Publication

In addition to the HICSS proceedings, four papers (and the editor’s introduction) were updated and published in Knowledge, Technology and Policy, in a special issue on “IT Standards” edited by Kai Jakobs. These were:

In addition, the following paper was also published based on the minitrack

Last Updated May 7, 2007

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