Call for Papers
The minitrack on “Standards and Standardization” is part of the HICSS-41 conference, to be held in held in Waikoloa on the Big Island of Hawaii. The conference will take place from January 7-10, 2008.
This is the fifth HICSS minitrack related to standards; see the minitrack webpage for information on previous papers and topics.
Joel West
College of Business
San José State University
jwest2@mail.sjsu.eduKalle Lyytinen
Weatherhead School of Management
Case Western Reserve University
kalle@po.cwru.eduTim Weitzel
Information Systems and Services
University of Bamberg
The minitrack is part of the Internet and the Digital Economy track, chaired by David King and Alan Dennis.
Since 2001, this minitrack has focused on the issues related to information technology standards and standardization.
The study of IT standards spans multiple disciplines, including technical, economic, sociological and behavioral sciences. We thus welcome research from any of these disciplines, as well as cross-disciplinary work that spans multiple disciplines.
We are also flexible on levels of analysis and methodology. While IT infrastructure standardization is typically inter-industry in nature, studies have also examined intra-industry vertical standards, firm-specific standards or standardization, or the role of individuals in standards creation or adoption. Similar, empirical studies can include surveys, archival data, case studies or first-person observation, while conceptual studies may be based on formal modelling or a synthesis of prior empirical research.
Finally, our definition of information technologies subsumes all forms of computing or communication goods and services, as well as related industries which demonstrate similar processes or phenomena. Thus, relevant technologies would include hardware, software and services, including personal computers, web servers, microprocessors, networking equipment, protocol stacks, application service providers, service-oriented architectures, mobile phones, videogames or prerecorded audiovisual entertainment.
The common element across all papers is that they are expected to make an original contribution to the theory or practice of creating, adopting or using IT standards. This may come from examining new phenomena, applying a new theoretical perspective, or by gathering new data. Authors should focus on articulating their unique contribution, linking it both to the body of their study and contrasting it to the characterization from prior research.
These are just a few of the many possible topics suitable for the minitrack:
For examples of suitable topics and methodologies, authors should consult the programs for HICSS-34, HICSS-38, HICSS-39 and HICSS-40 minitracks. However, these should not constrain your choices, as we encourage and welcome new topics and approaches to the issues of standards and standardization.
Picking a Topic: Prospective authors are encouraged to contact any of the minitrack chairs in advance of the June 15 deadline if they have questions about the suitability of a potential submission.
See the official conference schedule
June 15, 2007 Manuscript must be submitted through the HICSS online submission system August 15, 2007 Minitrack chairs send notices of accepted manuscripts to authors September 15, 2007 Deadline for proceedings version of manuscript September 15, 2007 Deadline for conference registration by at least one author December 2007 Minitrack date and schedule posted January 7-10, 2008 HICSS-41 conference sessions
General HICSS submission policies are:
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