




Driver Software Downloads

Last updated January 29, 1999

This page contains Macintosh driver software developed by Palomar that is available for downloading at no charge. All software is copyright by Palomar Software, Inc.

Printer Drivers

These drivers are not available elsewhere on the internet. So they are provided here for your convenience.

Fuji Kaleida/ColorPixPro

Palomar has developed a series of printer drivers for larger-format poster printers distributed by Fuji Photo Film.

English Name

Japanese Name

FUJIFILM ColorPixPro 54


Fuji CPS 36

Kaleida 36

Fuji CPS 24

Kaleida 24

Fuji CPP A1

Kaleida A1

The latest English driver, Fuji CPP 54 5.02, supports all of these printers. Click here to download.

The Japanese () drivers are available for downloading from the Fuji web site.

System Requirements: Fuji/Kaleida A1, 24, & 36 Drivers require System 7.1.2 or later, 1 Mb of RAM, a 68020 or greater processor and 343K of Hard Disk space. Fuji ColorPixPro/Kaleida PRO 54 Drivers require System 7.5 or later, 1 Mb of RAM, a 68020 or greater processor and 502K of Hard Disk space.

Kodak Diconix Color4

System Requirements: The Kodak Color4 drivers requires System 7.0 or later, 1 Mb of RAM, a 68020 or greater processor and 189K of Hard Disk space.

This copyrighted software is licensed for downloading on the condition that you do not redistribute it to others. It is distributed “as is“ and without support for the benefit of the Macintosh user community.

*Note that decoding these drivers requires StuffIt Expander. If you don't already have it, go to the Aladdin Systems download page to obtain the latest version.

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The Palomar Software logo is a trademark registered in the United States.
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