Year 2000








Palomar's Netday Page

Last Updated January 29,1999

What was NetDay96?

NetDay96 was the brainchild of John Gage (Sun Microsystems) and Michael Kaufman (KQED San Francisco). They came up with the original idea of taking the vast pool of technical skills in California coupled with donated materials to wire up California schools to the internet.

The goal was to install a high-speed (usually Ethernet) local area network on the school campus which is ready to be bridged to an outside connection to the Internet when one is installed. Given that installing such cable was a tremendously labor-intensive process, the use of donated labor (and materials) can save the schools thousands of dollars at each site.

The basic NetDay kit was designed to get a school started with building such a network. One kit was enough to wire 24 points on the campus; the network outlets provided in the kit require that these be done in pairs, so that these 24 connections could be allocated to 4 computers in the library, 10 in the computer lab, and two each in five other classrooms. Others may decide to, for example, provide only one pair of cables to the computer lab, knowing that they will be installing a hub to link all the computers in the lab to the campus network.

Palomar's Involvement in NetDay

On March 1, 1996 Palomar Software announced that it was sponsoring the NetDay efforts of schools in Oceanside. We hope that concerned parents, teachers and community members volunteer to make something happen for schools attempting to adopt modern technology on constrained budgets.

Why were we doing this? We will not sell another penny's worth of software because of it, nor will it help us in finding relevant customers (makers for computer printers) in the future. Instead, we felt it needed to be done and we could do it: we live and work in Oceanside and believe this is important to the community.

Below is a list of the schools we have sponsered in the past:

Empresa Elementary
Lake Elementary
Mission Meadows Elementary
Martin Luther King Middle School
Ocean Shores High School
St. Mary Star-of-the-Sea Elementary

Palomar Software will buy the NetDay wiring kit for any school in Oceanside. The conditions are:

  • The school (public or private) is within the city of Oceanside
  • It has an enrollment of 50 or more students
  • It has enough volunteers to do the job
  • The installation is started and finished

Palomar will pay for and arrange for delivery of the materials once your school is ready to perform the installation. This would normally mean:

  • An organizer/contact person who is taking responsibility to make the necessary arrangements
  • A group of volunteers (10 is the recommended minimum) with the necessary skills
  • A plan that fits with the school's specific requirements
  • A tentative date for installation

But even before this, we would like to hear from you. If your school is preparing to take advantage of the NetDay concept, please contact us so that we can begin helping you any way we can; our e-mail is

Resources For NetDay

Palomar is too small to personally help wire every school in town, but we are trying to collect resources to help each schools' volunteers get up to speed. Below are a list of Resources that can help you wire your school.

Information Resources

If you don't know much about NetDay, you will probably find the following resource is very helpful:

NetDay96 Home Page

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